The threat of a nuclear blast has always been the greater fears that has played with our minds for ages. It keeps world leaders on edge, military personnel in constant training and global nations in checkmate of each other with the advances of nuclear science and the atomic age. On the thoughts of all of our minds, we all fear the return to the nuclear panic of former days when all the world was on standby and constant alert of nuclear war breaking out or a lone wolf setting off a nuclear bomb in one of our cities.
With those fears of the unknowns, man as a species has created a nuclear underworld of bunkers, underground tunnels and vast arrays of buried cities that the world functions in every day. The formation of the internet was the gift that came to mankind to withstand a nuclear Holocaust.
But our fears are, what if the future nuclear wars are fought underground and we lose the internet to a hot war.
Through all those fears, we have searched the world over to prevent the breakdown of the internet and have assimilated the best possible scenarios to present to the mass with images of peace and motivation of survival with our survival club known as TNK GEAR, The New Kingdom. Enjoy our site here for it's graphic arts and cosmic expansion of worship to see if you can devise a survival plan for your own life to withstand any emergency that an Act of God might visit you with someday.
Here is the Universal Question. Has the Acts of God happened before?
A brief history.
Our survival club is almost as close to the ancient order of the brotherhood of knights that came into being around the times of Christ on Earth. Back then, they protected the Christian Saints in route throughout the falling Roman Empire and defended the writings of truth sealed onto the banner shields of the Crusades. Today those ancient nuns and monks are emblazoned into our survival club known as:
"THE NEW KINGDOM" survival gear.
In the year 97 C.E., years after the Lord Jesus Christ went to the cross and spread his spirit among us, an order was created to spread his message of salvation to the lost desert kingdoms of The Holy Land. In the lost hills of the hot deserts of the Arabian Kingdoms, a small order was established to protect and maintain the teachings of Jesus and the story of his life. The ORDER was all that was known to the surrounding villages.
Paper or papyrus did not come into being yet, and the lost records of the writings of the apostles was carried throughout the Holy Land on thin scrolls and fabric as the death cloth or shroud of Jesus began to circulate that he was a God. As the stories of Christ Jesus began to spread throughout the Persian Empire, the desert poor began to receive the message of the love and mercy of Christ through the writings of the apostles. The relic was the shroud and the small family groups was the formation of the Christian churches.
The MESSENGER came to us long ago in the form of a poor working man. Skilled in the craft of builders, we began to study the messages of his writings and we formed the poor brothers of Christ. Our order began in the desert hills of the red sandstone cliffs of what is now the country of Southern Jordan. The poor brothers of Christ formed into working class farmers, traders and shipmen. Over the years at the start of the dark ages as the Roman Empire was falling down, the poor brothers of Christ found refuge in the shipping lanes of the seas and they took flight to The New Kingdoms of Christianity. They carried with them the teachings of Jesus and the story of his life.
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